A.K.A. How to do away with frizz.
A.K.A. The day the static died.
A.K.A. An easy way to love your curls.
A.K.A. My journey in cleansing conditioners.
My interest in cleansing conditioners began as I'm sure many have... late night watching infomercials for Wen.
The models have the hair I'd like to have and the ease of only one product in the shower?
Then I started actually reading about it.
No, thank you.
The good news is, here are less expensive ways and ways that won't cause you to loose your hair while still ditching the shampoo! After all, shampooing is not great for your hair, particularly if you're curly. You strip your hair of its natural oils causing damage and "training" your scalp to create even more oils leading to a vicious cycle of cleaning then adding product then cleaning it out again.
So, this is just a collection of my personal experiences. I am not a hair care professional and I am about the laziest person ever when it comes to care and styling of my hair, but I've had some pretty awesome results without having to change much by way of my lazy girl morning routine.
I currently shower and wash my hair daily. I use little to no additional product (if anything, I'll work some of this in to my ends) and "style" my hair by pulling it up into a messy bun while it's still damp. If I'm feeling crazy, I'll eventually take it out of the bun until it starts to bug me and then I'll pull it back again.
Just imagine some eyes peeking out, and you've got the general idea. |
I first began my foray into eliminating shampoo by changing nothing but the frequency of my shampooing. I would buy 2-3 bottles of conditioner for every bottle of shampoo. Although I would still wash my hair every day, I would only use the shampoo every 2-3 days. On alternating days, I would just work my normal conditioner through my hair making sure to massage my scalp really well and rinse a lot. After a brief period of adjustment (e.g. oily hair!), I soon noticed my hair was softer and less frizzy.
Not long after this success, I noticed a bottle that looked an awfully lot like Wen in my local Walgreen's.
Enter Renpure Cleansing Conditioner:
I have used this for going on two years and loved (and still love) it.
I've recommended this to many people and still happily do if solicited for my favorite hair products. I prefer the pomegranate but everyone else I know who has tried it seems to like the mint more. One of my favorite things is that all of the ingredients in it are things I've actually heard of and it's made in the good old U. S. of A.
Regardless, I love both.
Although this is forever and always in my shower and using it feels like coming home, I decided this past year to branch out a bit and try some other products I've noticed popping up in the cleansing conditioner or cowash world.
I'm going to break down my experiences for you and how I think they'd best be used, but remember - I'm no expert by any means.
Here they are from least to most favorite.
Scent: Typical Pantene smell. What is that scent anyways? Regardless, you'll get a whiff and know it's Pantene.
Value: It's a big ol' bottle and it's easily worked through the hair, so it'll last you an awfully long time.
Results: This made my hair so soft. On the downside, after a few washes my hair started to look weighed down.
Best for: Want to shampoo less but not willing to give it up all-together? This is for you!
PROS: Super soft hair, easy transition from traditional shampoo, ease of use.
CONS: Not great for prolonged daily use.
Herbal Essences Naked Cleansing Conditioner
Scent: SO MUCH SMELLS. The first time I used this, I couldn't wear my hair down for two days afterwards because it was SO OVERPOWERING!!! My cheapness prevailed and I was determined to use this. After a few days, I got used to it... but if you're sensitive to smells, stay away from this one.
Value: Less than $5 for 16.9 ounces? I like it! This one is a little thicker and harder to work through hair, so you may find yourself using more product each use.
Results: This made my hair feel the cleanest out of the bunch. I did find that I had a little more of the poof back with this versus the other products, but there's just something to be said for hair that feels super clean. I particularly liked this one for after working out or if I had styling product in my hair.
Best for: Everyday use, if you have particularly oily hair.
Best for: Everyday use, if you have particularly oily hair.
PROS: If you love clean hair or tend to be on the oily side, this would be my recommendation for you.
CONS: The smell. Oh lordy, the smell.
As I Am Coconut Cowash
Value: 16 ounces for under $7 - better than Wen, that's for sure! The only problem is that since this doesn't have a pump, it's hard to monitor how much product you're using on any given day. It's also easy to get water into the product when you have the jar open which hasn't seemed to ruin it but it's an annoyance.
Results: Frizz free curls, a nice light scent, and softness without being greasy. If this had better packaging, it would surely replace Renpure as my everyday product of choice.
Best for: Curly hair, cutting back on frizz, everyday use. This is the perfect blend of cleansing and conditioning.
PROS: The results speak for themselves. This will rightfully have a place in my shower from here on out.
Some general cleansing conditioner tips:
- Make sure your hair is really wet before you put the product in your hair. It makes it easier to work it through. And don't be afraid to put some more water in your hair to work it though some more. These products take a little more rinsing than your typical conditioner, so unless you have a really powerful shower head, you don't have to worry about washing it all away.
- Keep a wide-tooth detangling comb (Like this one: Conair Anti-static Detangling Comb, Colors may vary
) in your shower. After the conditioner's been in your hair a while, comb it through to make sure your hair is detangled and the product's been worked evenly through your hair.
- Massage your scalp A LOT! I find if I don't really, really massage my scalp that near my roots will start to feel a little waxy or straw-like.
- Rinse, rinse, and rinse some more. I know you can also use these products as a leave-in, but I wouldn't recommend it for the most part. If anything, work a little into your damn ends after you get out of the shower.
- Brush your hair while it's wet and then leave it alone! (This is always true, curly girls. But I just had to throw it in there anyways.)
- Don't give up! It will take your scalp a few days to adjust. Initially I thought I was going to have to give in and quit. My hair felt weighed down and icky. I'm so glad I stuck with it, though!
- Many of these cowash products are marketed for black women with natural hair. Don't let that scare you away! It can be used by women with a variety of ethnic backgrounds and hair types.
- Just an added bonus: since I've been using cleansing conditioners, I no longer have static - even in the winter! YES!
What have your experiences been?
Have you tried any cowashes that I need to test out and add to the list?
Do you agree with my ranking?
Now go forth and condition with confidence!
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