I have a mean cat.
As she's gotten older Harley's been biting less, but she's still a jerk a lot of the time. I'm sure that, like the class clown at school, a lot of her behavior is because she's bored and alone a lot of the day.
To try and remedy her behavior, I've recently tried a few new cat toys with some pretty excellent success.
First up was the Ba-Da-Beam. I've been thinking about getting her an automatic laser toy for a while and finally sprung for this one when I saw it on sale.
The advantage of this particular model is the nice wide base. Harley likes to knock things over, so this is a huge plus for me. She really likes this toy, but tends to bat the toy itself around the room and knock it off of whatever surface I set it on.
The big disadvantage of this toy is that the laser just goes around and around in circles pausing at regular intervals. Because of this, Harley tends to get bored with it pretty quickly but she does regain interest if I reposition it about half way though its cycle.
The next toy I got her was possibly the greatest toy for her yet, the Pawbreaker. I picked this up earlier today, and all afternoon she's been rolling all over it, kicking it, and licking it (the catnip's also mellowed her out a lot, which makes the Ba-Da-Beam even more exciting).
Soooooo... even though I've had this for less than a day, I'd call it a success.
What are your suggestions for kitty toys? Or even better, what are some ways to keep a cat from attacking my ankles?!?
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