Thursday, August 09, 2007

Blah, blah, blah.

I've been working a lot lately. This is kind of okay because I'm making mad, fat bank. This is kind of stinky because there are other things that I would like to be doing.
I spent a week at the beach with George's family and that was nice. Since then, I've been totally back in the groove of things with barely any Amy time. There's a certain part of me that looks forward to the school year starting so that I can be back into the subbing thing and then there's the part of me that thinks about waking up at 6 every morning and cringes.
Either way.. boo.

Niece update:
Miss Mackenzie has been a delight.
She's little miss personality and about this close to walking. She's got crawling down now, that's for sure.
Today I painted her toe nails bright pink. That makes me giggle.

Wedding update:
George and I went to look at our reception hall and we're going tomorrow to give them the downpayment.
Things are really rolling now.
There's the dress, the church, the reception hall.
It's a bit crazy (especially since I'm still 16 in my head) and totally exciting all at the same time.

Also, my parents tennants are currently moving out meaning that pretty soon I will be moving in to a big ol' house. I even have a possible roommate, so things they are a changing.

My cat somehow managed to break the keyboard on my desktop which explains why I haven't been around the internet as much lately. If you'd like to get a hold of me the cellular device would be the best bet.

I'm probably working, but call me.
I miss you.

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